February 22, 2021

What Is PLR And What Do I Need It For?

PLR is short for "Private Label Rights". This means: Done-for-you content, like articles, complete E-Books, or software you can edit as you want and republish under your own name as author. When you have to produce tons of content for your websites or blogs, PLR comes really handy. 

The best thing about PLR is, if you need expert content for your niche you cannot only provide it, but also improve your own knowledge, and later sell your own information product. I myself am a PLR junkie. For exactly that reason: I can’t know everything about a certain subject, so, with PLR content, I can get two advantages in one. 

Well, in this short blog post I can not explain all about PLR and to use it, but I'll surely come back to this subject. There are lots of in depth coaching offers to be found on how exactly to use PLR for your profit. 

For instance Ronnie from plr.me has profound coaching materials for members and affiliates (which is basically the same and FREE to Join!) When you join from my link, I have 10 FREE CREDITS for you. (I get ten back also). For these credits, we can go shopping.

So please help me and accept my Recommendation and Offer! 

Check out PLR.me -
their Offers, the Coaching -
collect 10 free Credits

and don't forget to refer this membership to your friends ๐Ÿ˜‰ this way you can earn enough credits to buy the large packages! Good PLR is not too cheap of course. Otherwise, the internet would be flooded with all kinds of duplicate content. This can be a problem when you use private label content. Of course, you must pay close attention to the license. Sometimes you may not just publish it for everyone to read, sometimes you may not sell it, and almost never are you allowed to sell it with PLR license.

How To Avoid Duplicate Content When Using PLR

Don't use it as it is! Sometimes I read one could use article spinners. - Not a good idea! If you ever used one, you know what I mean. The writing style gets worse and worse. Maybe today's article spinners are better with grammar and style, but still, you must proof-read and change. - So, as you must read it anyway, you can with little effort insert your own changes and additions. When you use PLR articles as web content, your own additions should be on top, and you might google the headline. If you find it, change it on your site. 
So much for now. Please check back for more, and earn some good PLR in the meantime ๐Ÿ’Ÿ 
P.S. O-oh I forgot something: Are you in the Health- and Wellness-Industry?               Here is a Free sample of 

February 09, 2021

Neila is Back! Finally! New Biz Tips To Come

 After so many years, I am finally back to my blogs. Now I must re-arrange everything. 

Yes, I am still, or rather again an online marketer ๐Ÿ˜…. More specific: an affiliate marketer. 

Why do I blog? 

Content Marketing is still a Must. Nobody wants to see just ads. So recommendations need to come embedded in text. Not just any text, but a text that gives readers some value to make them interested in the content, and, with some luck, also in the promoted products or services. 

I must admit, right now, I have no more websites - of course, I would blog there too as I did before - so my only chance is to renew my Blogger blogs. They are the closest thing to an 'own' homepage. 

What will Neila's New Biz Tips be About?

After I worked as an Internet Coach for a while, I now know that much more than I thought is unknown to beginners, the general public, and pros even. You will find basics here about Online Affiliate Marketing - and, as I know, also online marketing pros don't know everything about what I learned from long years of experience!

I am still a freebie-junkie - without an own website, it might not make much sense anyway to buy lots of things. Unfortunately, the time of big JVs and Giveaways is over. But I still have some resources I can share and (and use). 

How has the Internet changed? Which opportunities, tools, services, platforms, have gone? What is new? What is still working?

As I already said marketing with content is still the best way to promote. The creation of monetizable content, including a bit of SEO, and how to get freely useable content when you get stuck, will be my biggest subjects. 

So far the lead-in before it gets too long. Now I must repair the settings. Content coming later ๐Ÿ˜„ Please stay tuned, in case anyone saw this!  

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