PLR is short for "Private Label Rights". This means: Done-for-you content, like articles, complete E-Books, or software you can edit as you want and republish under your own name as author. When you have to produce tons of content for your websites or blogs, PLR comes really handy.
The best thing about PLR is, if you need expert content for your niche you cannot only provide it, but also improve your own knowledge, and later sell your own information product. I myself am a PLR junkie. For exactly that reason: I can’t know everything about a certain subject, so, with PLR content, I can get two advantages in one.
Well, in this short blog post I can not explain all about PLR and to use it, but I'll surely come back to this subject. There are lots of in depth coaching offers to be found on how exactly to use PLR for your profit.
For instance Ronnie from has profound coaching materials for members and affiliates (which is basically the same and FREE to Join!) When you join from my link, I have 10 FREE CREDITS for you. (I get ten back also). For these credits, we can go shopping.